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Friday, February 24, 2012

Andres Iniesta: Barcelona Will Fight Until The End

Barcelona is quite far behind, 10 points, from the Spanish Primera Liga leaders Real Madrid, after being slipped a few weeks ago. Not a few who consider opportunities Azulgrana retain the La Liga trophy is up, but Andres Iniesta not throwing in the towel.

Los Blancos with the opportunity to entertain next April, Iniesta hopes his side can take over the league leaders, hoping Madrid drop points at a number of parties.

"We will fight until the end. This is the only target of our struggle and collecting three points every week, preparing if Madrid slip up."

"The fact we lost a lot of points in away games and it can be seen on the board. To win the league, you have to be consistent at home and away and it is difficult for us."

Barca will go on in La Liga Atletico Madrid on Sunday (25/2), after partying 5-1 against Valencia. Iniesta said he was satisfied with the performance against Los Che Azulgrana.

"We played very complete against Valencia and it gives us the spirit of outcomes. Now, we will visit the Atletico match and it will be difficult because they are a great team and continued to grow since the presence of Diego Simeona, but we hope to continue the achievement points."


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